Ok, honestly, throughout high school I didn't like purchasing jewelry from Claire's or Ardene because I felt their quality wasn't that great and I preferred real jewelry - i.e. gold, silver, platinum, etc - because they were worth it. But after going through university and under the influence of friends, I changed. Every time we had a themed party, we'd hit the road and bus to a closeby Ardene and pick up some jewelry or accessory to accessorize ourselves for the themed party. And sometimes, we'd go there just to buy some stylish jewelry. So this trend just grew on me.

Lately, I've been reading fashion blogs and noticed the trend for rings. Rings that are big, bulky and makes a statement. I'm kinda liking it. So I went to the mall yesterday and there was an Ardene, so I went in and found some rings that I find I could wear with majority of my clothes. I have to choose rings with care because I have small and short fingers so if I wear big bulky rings, they could potentially make my fingers look even shorter. LOL Like I don't know what it is, but my fingers decided to stop growing after grade 7. =|
Anyways, Ardene always have pretty good deals. For their rings, they were 3 for $10. Sunglasses were 3 for $15. Bracelets, necklaces and earrings were 3 for $10. And I think hair accessories were 5 for $10. Plus, they accept SPC (Student Price Card) which is a discount card that you can present to numerous stores to receive a discount, along with your student card if they ask for it. Some places don't ask for it, but I was carded yesterday. The girl probably thought I was too old to be in school. LOL You get 10% off your purchase, so for me, as opposed to $10, I got a $1 discount and paid $9 plus tax which came up to $10.17 CAD.
The sad part of these rings is the discoloration after long use. But I guess it's wear and tear, so after long use, the shiny silver coating deteriorates and turns dull. Then again, I don't think I'll keep them around once it does turn dull.
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